
(11/13) Ten Minutes Older - Ten Thousand Years Older

Ten Thousand Years Older (1/2)

Ten Thousand Years Older (2/2)

5 意見:

I am actually not into such kind of "movie", as those native people who were supposed to live independently , happily or even ignorantly in the mother nature. Lately, I read a book "西藏生死書" and it strikes me with some perceptions that how paranoid values we civilized people grow with deteriorate the internal peace and happiness. There's a great line in the book as 一切恐懼和無數的煩惱都來自於心; furthermore, I don't really think when simple people (not being polluted with materialistic desires) in the life as the way it used to be, they would be changed, satisfied, threathened, illured, deprived, and forced mentally, physically by all those "advanced culture creations".

The movie 'The Last Secret Tribe,' directed by Wwener Herzog, was actually charging the arrogant White people. Holding a patronizing attitude toward the aboriginal people (烏胡伊烏人) the White people in fact destroyed the vulnerable tribe instead of rescuing them. The civilization in the U.S. of individualim does not match with the the aboriginal 烏胡伊烏 tribe of collectivism. We cannot simply say that one is superior to the other. However, both ideas could still go smoothly without interfering each other. "Learning to appreciate the cultures foreign to their own" could be the first lesson the White people should learn. "Tossed salad" is better than "melting pot." In tossed salad, one can taste the original flavor of every component; however, in a "melting pot," one will lose the opportunitiy to experience the essence of each ingreidient.

Aboriginal tribe’s unique identity was dramatically lost in 20 years in this film. Once was the leader of the tribe seemed to become a person without soul.

Poverty, illness, aging, the lost of a culture was strongly engraved in audience’s minds. How we treat “ different” people, with helping hand or hurting acts?

The director utilized the techniques to make this film look like a documentary film. After watching this movie, there are some perceptions that arise from my mind. In my perspective, we not only appreciate the culture of tribe, but we also need to preserve those people's original life style, such as their hunting behavior, clothes, and so on. However, the civilized creations destroyed the culture and bring the disease to the tribe. Furthermore, the posterity felt shame on their identity and culture after accessing the modern culture. It’s a shame that we lose the pure and noive place in the world. Don’t make it happen again.

Just in ten minutes, the last of the hidden tribes were pushed 10.000 years ahead. Before connected with the civilization, people in that tribe were simple and had their own life style. They can survive in that kind of circumstance and make their own living without any civilized. One day there were so-called civilized people who break into and interfere with their tribe. With good intention, the civilized people want to help those “savages” and improve their living standard. However, this kind of good deed speeds up to destroy them and no more existence. How ironic!
