
(11/13) Ten Minutes Older - 100 Flowers Hidden Deep

100 Flowers Hidden Deep (1/2)

100 Flowers Hidden Deep (2/2)

15 意見:

I do appreciate this movie, and love its nostalgic feeling aroused while watching it. Chinese artists are with great talent to depict the poetic and complex prospect mixed with the conflicts and compromise between tradition and modern. People are tolerant, or more precisely to say, people are forced to accept those which are deprived from their lives as well as those which are imposed in their lives with the time moves on. It's more than pleasing to see how people interact to reach the final peace, the emotional harmony and perfect balance among each individuals in the movie.

The movie '100 folowers hidden,' directed by 陳凱歌 implies a tremendous historical and societal change to whcih some people were opposed and others looked forward. There's a clear cut between the main groups. Mr. Feng represents the traditional Beijing and the four movers, the Modernized Beijing. To Mr. Feng, the 100 flowers were not hidden at all. They're there, in the yard of the traditional big house. However, the four movers, even though trying hard to have an empathy with Mr. Feng, had difficult imaging the prosperous scene in Mr. Feng's eyes. Also, the director presents the conflict between the tradition adn the modern by the delicate arrangement of the settings, such as tall buildings v.s. narrow alleys, the bike v.s. the truck, and the way Mr. Feng adjusted his "cap" v.s. the way those movers do.

Probably when a society is well developed to respect its’ people’ spiritual needs as well as a nation’s economical growth, then the former would not be sacrificed by the latter. A balance between the two would not be achieved until then.

Could the middle-aged man in this film survive the loss of his entire “past” after the bell , the key to the past and the present, was restored? The film and the interpretation of our guess speaker inspired our empathy and imagination.

That is a great movie to reveal the contrast between old-school and new-school culture. In Beijing, the modern culture invades too quickly that lots of “Old-Beijings” cannot accept, just like the man in this movie. On the movement for progression, we should consider more humanity than just revolution. Take the house-moving workers in this movie for example, they understand the old man’s thought so they imitate that they are moving the “invisible” furniture. If they do not care about humanity, they can only just forget about it and leave the old man alone. Therefore, the main idea in this movie I think is about humanity and of course, the questions to modernization.

Some may think the main character Mr.馮 is a lunatic but I think he is just a SYMBOL. The man symbolized the people, the era and the spirit which have already passed. The director use this character to present the phenomenon of Old Begin. It also conveys that modern Begin sees Old Begin as superannuated, wired and feudal.

The movie gives us the contrast between Mr.馮 and the movers and it also make us experience the complicated feeling among reality, poignant sorrow and benefits. Moreover, The time between Mr.馮 and the movers is another sorrow for the change of time.

The movie 100 flowers hidden is talking about the conflict between tradition and modern.
development is important but the tradition is important,too.
for me, tradition means warm and comfortable and modern means cold crucial,
coz people always talk with other people who are stranger, but now people just care about benefit and always present cold to other. in the movie, the movers finally find something in their mind, i thought that is a part of "tradition"--warm.

I'm really appreciated to watch this movie. The Chinese director is specialized in utilizing image to lead the audience to involve in this film. In the begging of the film, the director took scene from traditional Chinese tie to modern building in order to make the comparison. From character's gestures, it's not hard to find out that people also keep the old thoght and behavior. They are not adapted well when they face the new era coming. In my personal opinion, I think traditional culture is our treasure which new era can't replace.

After watching that film, I think technology brings us to a brand new world, but the cost is we have to take cultural legacy as an exchange. This is what most of people do not want it happen. I believe that wherever around the world, cultural legacy is getting destroy day by day. Only memory cannot be destroyed. To think with different point of view, if we live in the past, how can we fulfill in the future.

Culture is constantly changing to their modern day. In the movie, the changes are so rapid that the individual has difficulty in adapting. In my opinion, the balance is found in acceptance of change and the ability to try not to stick on the old culture tightly. One's culture is neither the same as their grandparents’ culture nor the same for one's grandchildren.

Tradition is our past and innovation is our future. Now we are walking toward the future but we seldom look back to what we have passed and missed. The short film “100 Flowers Hidden Deep” reveals a strong comparison between tradition and modern society. In the city, to build a high building needs to destroy many old-fashioned houses. Every piece of the broken house represents our memory about tradition. People gradually forget the tradition because innovation changes our life so fast that we immerse in and enjoy in it. People should remember our past and cherish our tradition because they are the foundation of innovation. Without tradition, there is no innovation.

It is sad to see lots of traditional buildings disappear in the flood of economy development. We are reluctant to admit that in order to advance our society, something are sacrified. However, does the society really advance? Is it worthwhile to give up the things we love and care? In the end of the movie, Mr. 馮 accepted the real world and gave up his "house" finally. Should we be glad or be sad for him?

After seeing the movie, I have several complicated feelings and opinions to it. When I see the abnormal man Mr. 馮, the first thing come upon my mind was the man is absolutly an abnormal man because of his unusal behaviors.However, after the interpretation by the teacher, I had another different view on it. , Therefore, I learned that I I have to see a movie from various aspects instead just look at the apperance of the sign or just put the fully focus on the content only. Second, I learned that traditions have been sacreficed under the advance of the cutting -edge technology but it hasn't been discoved because modern people are so eager to seek convience and speed . Therefore , It a good movie to have people reflect themselves and start to concern if there any treasure values has been gone and how can we keep those good traditional values.

In this film, it's talked about society changing from tradition to the modern life. In my opinion, the broken vase means we need to move on; we can't stick to the old tradition all the time. However, no matter what we are changing in the future, we still need to keep some our tradition in mind because it's our history, and it’s irreplaceable.

I totally agree with Jean's opinion. Tradition is built since hundreds of years ago, it could presented as a country's spirit. However, if tradition is gone just for innovating the country, it must be a tragedy because at the same time, the country's spirit is also gone.


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