
The Clash of Civilizations? by Samuel P. Huntington

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Some articles extracted from 'The Clash of Civilizations? by Samuel P. Huntington' have been uploaded at 上課教材。please read them carefully and have the discussions.


20 意見:

It's one of the process with evolutions of cultures or civilization. Any cultures, religions, civilizations or nations which are with agressive, ambitious, greedy or arrogant leaders would lead the followers to invade the other they wish to integrate for their benefits. "Clash of Civilizations" demonstrates many atrocities which were not supposed to happen in civilized mankinds as well as to innocent population, meanwhile, it appears inevitable cause blind leaders always manipulate his people to kill and deprive the other races in god's name.

The eight major civilizations include Western, Confucian, Japanese, Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American and possibly African civilization. Every Civilization has its central belief. Civilizations obvously blend or overlap, and may include subcivilizations. Compared to the values of Muslim countries, i think i'm very lucky to be the woman in Taiwan, which holds a more positive and open attitude toward the values of a woman. In a Muslim world, it's not easy for a woman to establish herself in any profession. She has to prove herself constantly and be better at her job than male colleagues. In Islamic law, women are traditionally obliged to fulfill their commitment to their family first, and therefore are compelled to stay home.

In Islamic world, women have little choice of jobs. Journalism, for example, still remains an unacceptable career choice for females. Most of the Islamic mothers and husbands would want their daughters and wives to work in a profession that has regular work hours and where security is not an issue. In their opinions, working as a journalist is too dangerous, and it is not a sutiable profession for women in a male-dominated society.

“Differences do not necessarily mean conflict, and conflict does not necessarily mean violence. Over the centuries, however, differences among civilizations have generated the most prolonged and the most violent conflicts.”

People are different. You name it: lifestyle, social status, cultural background, skin color etc. And the list can go on and on. However, learning to respect each other and have more mutural understanding may lead to peaceful living.

“The world is becoming a smaller place. The interactions between peoples of different civilizations are increasing; these increasing interactions intensify civilization consciousness and awareness of differences between civilizations and commonalities within civilizations.” Although it seems “mission impossible” to know each other, at least to interact is a step forward .

In this era of technology, information and message exchange rapidly. What is true or what is false of the matter? Do we really have the ability of judgement on a case or fact? Before taking this culture course, I believe what I saw or heard from the radio or the TV news; however most of them were false and they were manipulated by some politicians or party. The influence of the media has a great impact on people's thinking. As we know that an individual is a the smallest component of the society. If a leader of the country has the wrong belief of governing the citizens, that country might be in danger. The history is the best lesson for us to remember. However , the sad story happens again and again. There's alway conflict between country and country . Althought it's a global village, every country is competing with each other , no matter the technology, economics , education level...etc. We used to look at the world by our viewpoint, but not to consider others feeling or their demand. Therefore the conflict will go on just like the clash of civilizations.

The world is not a fair place, Capitalism as a famous trait for the economic system. However, now we can see the decline of Capitalism. For example, the US government spent 70 billion dollars to help their economic, that is, the communism. In my opinion, the world should try for the combination of Capitalism and Communism. Each idea has the different advantage and disadvantage. I do not want to argue about the benefit about Capitalism and I also consider that Materialism is also good for motivation. However, everything should be find a balance, not any “lism” should dominate the world.

In my opinion, the solution to the clash of civilizations is to have an impartial and dispassionate study and analysis of the history, origin and development of the present human civilization in various parts of the world of date. Such study has to be undertaken by an independent body with scholars from all over the world. Then, the consensus can be arrived, and this material should be taught to the school children uniformly through the world, so that the distorted history is replaced by the facts of the past. However, the solution may extremely impossible, at least the civilization to survive has to start an international movement for survival.

Via the sociological lens, McDonald appears to have a tendency of replacing local business and destroy the culture, because McDonaldization refers to standards and conformity, no matter where in the world you go, the menu and the taste of the food at McDonald's will be the same. At last, the more of a social setting you can see, talk, listen, and watch will lack of diversity and contribute to the destruction of culture's uniqueness.

each civilization has its own feature, and the would has became a small place, it easy to meet people who come form different culture, so according to the own culture, people may have different view point of the same thing. conflicts can not be avoided here, but in my opinion, the combination of culture is important issue recently, and i think we can learn something from "conflicts", and then we can keep the good feature of the other culture and delete the bad part of ours. so "clash" is not "always" (coz bad is still more than good)meaning bad thing happen, it's all depend on us.

Good viewpoint of the bad is still mre than the good.

World becomes smaller due to the onvenience transportation so that we may have interactions between different civilizations are more often than before. It's not doubt that many civilizations would against to each other because we are not know the other's culture well. In my opinion, we should tolerate their culture different to reduce the conflict. Besides, we may learn something special compare to our own culture.

After read the article, it reminds me of a story about Afghan Child Brides.

Afghanistan is trying to return to normal life after many years of war and struggle.

For many families, however, conditions are still extremely hard especially in view of the extreme cold and lack of food. In Afghanistan, civil servants and police officers have been paid for the first time in eight months. But for thousands of other families, the desperate struggle to survive has meant taking the heartbreaking decision to sell their daughters as brides. For example, a girl named Golshar was sold by her father because her father could no longer afford to feed the family, so he arranged for her to be married for a £60 down payment. At that time, she is only 12 years old. She has no choice for her future marriage. In fact, I can’t imagine any situation that I might confront with like her story. However, I realize that I can’t change the condition of the world. Thus, I’ll pray for them and I wish people everywhere may have happiness as what I have.

The article mentions that civilizations are differentiated from each other by religion, history, language and tradition. The older generations change their named in order to immigrate to America. However, more and more immigrants, after realizing the power of ethnic origin, are changing their original name back. Besides, some are learning their ethnic languages, dances or customs to pass their own histories.

During the prime time of immigration, several immigrants were forced to change names to fit American mold by authorities. Now, some are switching their original names back because of the increasing acceptance of pluralism. Therefore, I think we, as Taiwanese, have to be proud of our ethnic. Do not just admire Western and modern and ignore or lose our own root.

Civilization clash always happen because cultural differences. Through television, we can see which country has terrorism or how many people have been shot or killed by other people. The clash of civilization is due to the cultural misunderstanding. Races and cultures are two main symbols that consist of civilization. Without either one that civilization can not be formed.

Civilization causes conflict because of the difference of culture and the acceptance. In addition to culture, people, especially different races, are the most important creature that cause conflict and civilization clashes. Human beings are the only authority to change and dominate civilization.

MOst of the time, when two people fail in communication, they would be aware of the displeasure from their interlocutor. Does nonverbal communication only conveyed by gesture and facial expression? What would be also conveyed but ignored intentionally by the interlocutor?

With the advanced of civilization which undoubtly have brought convenience and shorten the distance among people, it cannot be dennied that some detrimental parts that may deeper the gap among different peoples around the world . Take the part mentined in the papaer for example, people in ancient age may change their roles (poor to rich or Indians to Musilins) by making their own decision that which side they would like to be on. However, civilizations , clasify and seperate people by their identity in that it made a explicit division to devide peoples into high civilization and low civilization countries. As a result, without questions , more and more misunderstandings and conflicts mat be caused for the sake of different recognition and diverse identity recognitions.

Based on the topic, Implications for the West, civilization-consciousness is getting increased in the world. Therefore, we can infer that the conflict between different civilizations may lead to the global wars. On the other hand, Western civilization is both Western and modern. It accommodated those invalueable non-western civilizations that enhance the world peaceful and appreciate the differences. Every civilization is unique and invalueable. There is no universal civilization, so we need to learn to coexist with the others.

"All civilizations will have to learn to tolerate each other." - one sentence in this article states the key element to solve the clash of civilizations - be tolerant. The world just likes a group, each individual inside is different. We should respect to each other's characteristic rather than try to dominate or control others. Sometimes, fights or arguing happen between members in the group, however, being tolerant and forgiveness will help to improve the relationship and absolutely, improve the world we live.

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