
Children Learn What They Live by Dorothy Law Nolte

14 意見:

I totally agree with the environmental influence on children as children immerse in different ones then grow up with special characteristics the way the environment nurture them. There are too many social problems, and the constrains which might be of insufficency of time (their parents), of economic, of self-vanity, or peer comparison, of shortage of basic knowledge, of social value standard or of a stubborn personality, strongly impact children's mental development. Most children have no direction or a goal for future goal which they should work hard for, instead, they simply get lost and addicted to TV, on-line games or some other superficial stuffs.

In my opinion, children's personalities are really affected by their parents or relatives when they were growing. From those sentences, I have the strongest feeling toward the sentence of "If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.”

I notice that more and more abused children appear on TV or newspaper in recent years. The problem of abusing children has been a serious issue in Taiwan. According to the statistic from Children Bureau Ministry of Interior R.O.C, there are 27 abused children every day in average. The Garden of Hope Foundation also reports that when parents use physical punishment, children are more likely to use violent acts to deal with their conflicts with other people. Even though this point of view is different from the sentence above, I also agree with it in that physical punishment not only puts children at risk from physical harm, but also attribute to behavioral and interpersonal problems as well.

Therefore, I encourage people especially parents to learn non-violent and suitable ways to discipline children. To do so, our society might become more peaceful.

Good reflection, and in my opinon, I strongly agree that the more love you give, the better behavior the children perform.

It is not difficult to recognize that war produces culture. Can the converse be as easily claimed,
however: that there are certain cultures that are war producing, that is, that they instigate and
promote war? This is a dialectical question because all cultures have been produced by their
history and those histories have been punctuated by war; thus they have been partially produced
by war. On the other hand, some cultures, because of the way in which they were defined and
‘cultivated’ by war, place war making and the martial ethos at the center of their identity, and
thus, it can be said, produce war. that what we called the Clash of Civilizations.

Children are pure, innocent angels before polluted by the society. The time they come to the world is the beginning to know anything about this world, whatever it is good or bad. Children are good learners while they are still infants. They observe every single movement that attract them. Parents are the first human beings that they familiar and live with everyday. When children are growing up, parents have the duty to keep their children away from those things that influence their minds and thoughts.

There are only two options, right and wrong, for children when they are young. What they can do is right, and what they cannot do is wrong. They are too young to have the judgement. In daily life, children are always learn as long as thet open eyes. They are curious about everything they see. When they see people lovely, gentle, and friendly, they will react to the people with smiles. When they receive angry and violent, they will cry loudly, Because they observe and learn. Once children learn respect, they will perform respect to others. But if they learn harm, they will perform violence to those people who hurt them.

the environment decide what children will learn form it, and people is one of the important factors, coz children always imitate their parents's way to do things for the first time, maybe we can not change the big environment , but we can do something and start from ourself.

I agree with you. As children's closed people, parents should behave themselves.

In my opinion, I think the parents who cannot be with their children when they are growing up, they do not deserve to have a baby. On the other hand, the parents are not in the important part of children’s growing up because the personality development is the mainly significant period of childhood.

When a baby comes to the world, everyone has a face like an angel.

How come 20,30,40 years later, some turn to very bad guy.

If the world is full of sorrow, children need all the positive support

from adults.

This is a very good article. Indeed, children is a mirror to the world. For children's education, both environment and family (parents) are very important. I heard from some parents, they said : My kids were very well-behaved while they were small. I don't know what happened.... , they grew up and they just became indifferent for family... they don't listen to me anymore. The relationship between us is bad...

I always believe that a good relationship wouldn't be changed if both parties keep to manage it well. Obviously, the above-mentioned parents, they didn't manage their relationship with kids in daily life. Probably they were busy and ignored to communicate with their kids. They even didn't recognize when kids started changing in behavior. To educate a child is not easy. It needs a lot, a lot of efforts.

I agree for the most part. However, there are some kids in bad situations who pull themselves out and some kids in good situations who just don't seem to appreciate that or learn from it.

It might be true and pathetic! However, being an educator and a parant, we should always keep our faith that all children can learn and learn from what they live. We should believe our effort can make a difference to our children.

I agree with this. We learn how to live our lives based on how and what we were taught when we were young. Our perception of how the world is and should be shaped by our upbringing.

There is an interesting vedio chip on Youtube to elicit this point of view.


This content of this article reflects how a child cultivate his/her personality, belief , value and conception to the reality in the world which may be influenced by the education of family, school , society and the country.

The education of character is one of the primary of Chinese philosophy culture, however, its role is not so important in the current educational system. Due to Taiwan's education is test oriented, most parents only care about their children's score and ignore their personality development.

This problem can be seen in the college , more students just care for themselves, and do not respect teachers.

Who should be blamed for?

As a teacher no matter teaches in any subject should not just deliever the knowledge of the content , furthermore he/she should transmit the positive attitude , value and behavior to learners.

I believe the positive attitudes cause the positive results just like the wisdom of Chinese philosophy " Maintain the harmony."
